Kaleidoscope Communications & PR

Marketing Sales Service

The marketplace and the best method to reach potential customers is constantly evolving and changing; and the last year has been unprecedented in the way that consumers and retailers are now researching products and shopping for them.

For small companies in particular, where budgets are limited and time is of the essence, having a well-thought-out marketing plan and sticking to budgets can mean the difference between success and failure, particularly for new brands.

Christine Scippo of Kaleidoscope Communications explains:

“It is so important to have a plan and to know what you want to achieve from that plan. For example, knowing your target audience and how best to reach them. You could throw thousands of pounds into Facebook and Instagram advertising – and may pick up lots of followers along the way – but if those followers are not the demographic for your product, the money you have invested simply won’t convert to sales.

“There are so many marketing avenues available to us nowadays and in the baby products industry, brand trust and word of mouth recommendations are hugely important. Articles and blogs can play a massive role in building relationships with your customers and you really need a mixture of methods to get the best results.

A mistake that new and emerging companies often make is to throw everything into the pot at once – and the budget is exhausted before the results are met. For example, the way you should approach retailers and buyers is very different from your communication with the end user. One hat rarely fits all, so it’s important to have separate plans for each sector.”

Kaleidoscope Communications already works closely with the Baby Products Association and offers free PR & marketing advice to its members. Christine continues: “Sometimes a 20-minute chat with an expert can help to put all of your ducks in a row and give you the information you need to create a successful and effective marketing plan. I am more than happy to have that chat with no obligation, so do get in touch.”

For more information on Kaleidoscope Communications, contact Christine on 01525 374020 or email: christine@k-communications.co.uk

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