
Baby Tech
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When a baby is born, their natural breathing patterns fluctuate.
Uneven breathing patterns can be a huge cause of concern for new parents and this is where a breathing monitor can offer parents complete reassurance.
The Snuza HeroMD Infant Breathing Monitor is a wearable device which attaches to baby’s nappy and monitors their breathing. If the multi award winning Snuza HeroMD detects no breathing for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse baby to resume breathing. Often the vibration is enough to rouse the infant and the HeroMD will revert to monitoring mode. However, after three vibration/rousing incidents, a Rouse Warning will alert parents that breathing has not been detected for 15 seconds on three occasions. If an additional 5 seconds of no breathing is detected a sharp audible alarm will sound.In a move which reinforces the reassurance the Snuza® HeroMD can provide, the company have partnered with The Lullaby Trust, the leading charity for the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and support for parents bereaved by the sudden unexpected death of a baby.The partnership, driven by Snuza UK distributor Nimans Home, focuses on the CONI programme, which provides support for bereaved parents who go on to have another baby. Parents who have experienced a sudden and unexpected death of a child often feel anxious when they have another baby. The Lullaby Trust works with the local providers of public healthcare services to coordinate a national health-visitor led service for bereaved parents. In addition, the CONI programme also makes it possible to borrow specialist monitors, which pick up changes in baby’s breathing, and will ring an alarm if breathing stops for longer than 20 seconds, to provide extra reassurance. Snuza have donated Snuza HeroMD monitors to the CONI programme which are accessible to bereaved parents in order to provide a little comfort for the first few months when their new baby is home.The Snuza HeroMD holds the Medical Device Certification for European Directive 93/42/EEC which means Snuza are the first company in the World to bring a fully certified Class II wearable infant breathing monitor onto the European market.For further information contact