In response to the issues associated with Brexit that have severely disrupted the supply chain with imported goods, Hippychick has successfully moved some of its manufacturing into the UK.

Somerset-based baby business Hippychick outsourced production to ‘Thimble’ – also Somerset-based – and a specialist in baby accessories.  The company has been inundated with work since the repercussions of Brexit and is looking forward to a buoyant future with Hippychick and other business operating in the baby sector.

Julia Minchin, Managing Director at Hippychick said:
‘Customers are so used to ordering and getting next day delivery.  No one wants to have to wait weeks and even months, particularly with baby products which are outgrown at such a pace.  Working with Thimble has been really refreshing.  Not only have they produced on time – a huge rarity in these challenging times, but it’s been so easy for us to work with a business that’s not just UK based but is literally on our doorstep.’

But there are also downsides.  ‘Pricing is currently an issue as manufacturing in the UK is considerably more expensive than the Far East’ continues Julia.  However, the upside is being able to fulfil orders without delays which in themselves can be costly.  As demand grows prices will hopefully start to level out, making it feasible to produce more of our goods in this country going forwards’. 

Hippychick is most famous for its Hipseat baby carrier, the founding product in the portfolio, as well as it’s all in one waterproofs.  ‘We sell 5,000 retail pieces per annum and bringing these to UK would be quite a sizeable piece of business for a manufacturer.   We’re delighted to hear from any businesses on our shores who might have the capacity to work with us.’

The Hippychick feeding pillow in ochre and charcoal grey adds to an existing award-winning collection which is currently manufactured in India, but which has been in limited supply in the warehouse for over three months as a result of container shortages, border control and lack of lorry drivers.

About Hippychick

Hippychick is a well established family business, founded in 1999 by Julia Minchin. Winners of the highly prestigious Progressive Pre-School Best Distributor Award several years running, Hippychick brings innovative and exciting products to family homes at the same time as providing exceptional customer service. Each product in their nursery range is carefully selected based on design, quality, and whether they will make parents’ lives easier. They have excellent supply lines open to the major retailers as well as providing an exceptional service to 500+ independent shops across the UK and Ireland.

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