Goods for Good urgent nappy appeal
In 2020 The Trussell Trust reported that more than 1.2 million emergency food parcels were given to people struggling to afford essentials with 2,600 food parcels provided for children every day in the first six months of the pandemic.
It’s natural that the first thing anyone thinks to donate to a food bank is food but toiletries and hygiene products, such as nappies and baby wipes, are also extremely important and under increasing demand. Due to the expense of nappies and the lack of government subsidy for their purchase, millions of parents cannot afford to buy nappies, which are crucial for enabling parents to keep young children clean and healthy.
In light of the recent lockdown there is also the added challenge with parents unable to find the right size nappies they need for their children.
Goods For Good are working tirelessly to provide emergency food banks, housing associations, refugee and asylum seekers’ drop-in centres, with the essentials they need but they need your help to be able to respond to the increasing requests from the community for nappies and baby wipes.
The Magpie Project recently reported that mothers are being forced to overuse or reuse nappies or not leave their homes with their babies. Whilst cloth nappies could be considered as a potential way of cutting nappy costs, they are also an unrealistic avenue for the majority of poorer families; not only do cloth nappies also require upfront investment, many poorer families lack access to a washing machine or the financial means to keep them clean.
Goods For Good are working hard to address the imbalance so, if you are able to help supply nappies or baby wipes please get in touch by emailing them.
All sizes of nappies welcome.
Goods for Good is a growing UK registered charity that delivers overstocked goods donated by British industry and second-hand, pre-loved goods donated by the local community to vulnerable people and communities around the world. They redistribute overstocked and unwanted goods from places where there is too much, to places where there is too little, improving people’s lives and achieving more balance in our world.
To date the charity, which was founded in 2014, has delivered over £22 million-worth of humanitarian aid to over 2.8 million people in 24 countries (across 4 continents) around the world. Saving approximately 477 tonnes of essential goods from landfill. Reducing our collective carbon footprint by approximately 4,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
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