Sensory baby brand, Etta Loves has appointed London-based Nion PR as their incumbent agency in the UK.  The agency will be responsible for operating a full press office and influencer marketing facility as well creating new product campaigns for the beloved brand.

The Etta Loves range includes muslins, playmats, blankets, comforters, everyday essentials all designed to support babies visual and cognitive journey. As well as working with specialists in this area across the media and on third party campaigns, the agency will also be working closely with Etta Loves’ resident orthoptist.

Etta Loves Founder & CEO Jennifer Fuller explains: “We appointed Nion PR as we felt their fresh approach to our communications, focusing on our core messages, as well as their extensive network of journalists and influencers was the perfect fit for our brand. We can’t wait to get started!”

Will Dooley, Obstetric Doctor, Co-Founder of Happy Parents Happy Baby and dad of two commented: 
“As an Obstetric doctor and dad, I spend my life surrounded by babies. That’s why as a professional and a parent I’m so impressed with the Etta Loves range. The products are a perfect fusion of evidence-based science and quality design. Not only will they support and stimulate your baby’s vision at each stage of development, but they’ll keep them entertained for hours too.” 

The Etta Loves PR team will be headed up by Director Nikki Fox, and supported by Account Manager Aida Ghazlan.

“This is a very exciting win for our new agency, particularly as it means we can once again use our extensive expertise and knowledge base of the baby and nursery sector,” says Nikki.

Follow Nion PR on Instagram at @nionprlive or email Nikki.

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