bébélephant is pleased to announce the return of iconic plush brand Doudou et Compagnie to the UK. The adorable range of soft toys and slippers are now back in stock on a stocked or dropship basis.

The range, which comes in Doudou’s trademark gift box, features some adorable bunnies just in time for spring and are sure to be a big hit!

Innovation and creativity have enabled the Doudou® brand to maintain its position as a specialist in doudou and leader of the French market. Almost one in two doudou sold in France is a doudou belonging to the group and there are plans for bébélephant to replicate that in the UK.

2022 marks the Doudou group’s 20th anniversary, and this French company – a favourite in the UK for many years – is constantly renewing itself, adapting to current trends and to the needs of toddlers. 

Contacts for retailers:

bébélephant | info@bebelephant.comt.com | 0208 202 1467

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