TOR has created an online COVID–19 Compliance Officer Awareness Course.

The course is intended to be a tool for senior management who are ultimately responsible for creating and implementing COVID-19 policies in the workplace.

The course provides a simple, affordable and practical start for Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) looking to create day-to-day structure to their COVID-19 policy.

Visible, structured implementation of a COVID-19 policy will go a long way to reducing the risk of infection in the workplace and instilling confidence in the work force.

The course should be undertaken by the individual or individuals in the operation who are appointed by Senior Management to implement COVID-19 policies in on a day-to-day basis – the ‘frontline implementers’.

In the Small Medium Enterprise context those ‘frontline implementers’ might be, for example, an H&S officer, a senior security guard or an individual specifically appointed for this task.

The course is short (1 hour max to complete), strikes an effective balance between being straightforward and informative, and costs £69 per person.

We stress that the course should be viewed as a tool for supporting the implementation of a clearly thought out COVID-19 policy. The course is not a one-stop solution that can be used in lieu of a policy.

The course will be updated in line with Government policy. However, part of the course is to instil in the workplace Compliance Officer an awareness of the changing situation with COVID-19, such that he or she can advise senior management of necessary changes to the workplace COVID-19 policy.

Who is TOR?

Formed in 1998 by British ex-military personnel, TOR’s primary business is the provision of training, physical security and logistics support – all in hostile environments such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and South Sudan.

TOR training includes medical and CBRN (Chemical, nuclear, Radiological and Nuclear) contamination awareness training.

COVID-19 creates in itself an environment that should be treated as ‘hostile’ in that it presents a clear and present danger to individuals exposed to its virus.

The core element to operating in and training for all ‘hostile environments’ is awareness.

In the creation of Compliance Officers Awareness Course, we have drawn on our depth of experience in promoting awareness in the face of hostility and applied that experience to the context of COVID-19.

11. It is as a risk manager that TOR has brought this course to market. TOR is not a medical specialist.

12. More details on TOR can be found on our website:

Background to this course

This course was originally created in support of an overseas client. It has been adjusted for and brought up-to-date in the UK context as a way of doing our part to support the UK’s step-by-step unlocking and return to normality. The course is not intended as a significant revenue generator for TOR. Our primary business is overseas as above.

For those workplaces with less well-established H&S operations, we can also deploy medical/CBRN trainer/consultants who are able to draw on elements of their background in support of creating counter-COVID-19 implementation infrastructure. We would charge for the consultants’ time.