BioGaia hits shelves in independent pharmacies and retailers nationwide
Award-winning Swedish probiotics specialists, BioGaia, introduced their range of supplements to the UK market just over a year ago. In this time, the company’s success and popularity has skyrocketed, receiving numerous awards and nominations, glowing reviews, and countless new stockists nationwide.
BioGaia’s probiotics are currently distributed in a number of independent retailers, pharmacies, and wholesalers, including an impressive 700 independent pharmacies. In the past year, they have spread the word about probiotics and their benefits, attending professional conferences, such as The Pharmacy Show, and working alongside industry professionals such as Dr Marc Bellaïche and Prof. Flavia Indrio.
Dedicated to education, BioGaia provides stockists with staff training from BioGaia’s Sales team, and in-storepoint of sale information for customers to help both sellers and consumers understand the benefits of probiotics.
BioGaia’s probiotic products have undergone rigorous tests and thousands of clinical trials which have proven that the bacteria strain L reuteri DSM 17938* is able to safely regulate the microbiomes of infants, children and adults.
Both the Protectis Baby Drops and Protectis Tabs are available with additional vitamin D, also helping the immune system. The range is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mums.
Available by subscription and online at, and at independent pharmacies and retailers nationwide.