Baby and infant probiotics by BioGaia launch in UK
BioGaia Protectis baby drops are a simple, safe and convenient way to maintain gastrointestinal health and function in babies and toddlers.
Eases colic. Soothe baby’s suffering during colic.
Increases bowel movements. BioGaia’s baby drops encourage a healthier number of bowel movements for little guts.
Reduces regurgitations. Baby’s tummies are sensitive – these drops help food and drink go down easier.
As little ones grow, they can switch to BioGaia’s Protectis Tablets – suitable from 3 years to adulthood! Much like the baby drops, these chewable tablets contain the bacteria strain L reuteri DSM 17938, to keep the microbiome healthy and balanced. They have been clinically proven to:
Maintain digestive health. Even in older children, sometimes food needs a little encouragement to go down.
Increase bowel movements. These tablets help children and adults have healthy, regular bowel movements.
Ease abdominal pain. Looking after your microbiome can help tackle problems like pain in your abdomen.
Both the Protectis Baby Drops and Protectis Tabs are available with additional vitamin D, also helping the immune system. They contain the recommended intake of vitamin D for babies and children respectively, and are proven to help maintain both digestive health and normal function of the immune system.
The range is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mums.
Available from Amazon and stockists nationwide
Protectis Baby Drops RRP £14.99
Protectis Baby Drops D3 10ml RRP £23.99
Protectis Tablets D3 – 30 pack RRP £15.99, 90 pack RRP £29.99