Car Seat Safety Crisis: 70% of Car Seats Are Missing the Mark.
Experts Share 6-Step Guide to a Perfect Fit.


Choosing the perfect car seat can feel like navigating a maze for new parents. With endless options and conflicting information, ensuring your child’s safety on the road can be overwhelming.


Recent data from In Car safety Centre reveals that 70% of child car seats are either unsuitable for the child, incorrectly fitted, or in some cases, both. This includes more straight forward ISOFIX seats, where as many as 6% are incorrectly fitted.


With these shocking statistics in mind, leading car seat brand Avionaut, has shared its ultimate car seat checklist, a comprehensive guide that reveals the top 6 things parents should consider when choosing a car seat, along with insights from car seat safety experts.


“Choosing a car seat is one of the most important decisions a parent makes for their child’s safety,” says Fiona Suffield, Country Manager at Avionaut. “With so many car seats available, it can be difficult to find clear and unbiased information to pick the perfect one. To help navigate this process, we’ve created a helpful checklist highlighting the top 6 things to consider when shopping for a car seat to make sure you get the perfect fit for your child.”




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