BioGaia and the benefits of early supplementation
Travelling from Paris for the event, Dr Bellaïche shared his expertise on infant FGIDs (Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders), and how gut function can have a significant impact on the overall health of babies.
As a gastroenterologist at the Teaching Hospital Robert Debré for Mothers and Children in France, Dr Bellaïche has years of first hand experience in the field.
With a number of maternal and neonatal professionals in the audience, colic was naturally a hot topic. Inconsolable crying and fussing is a common cause of stress for parents of newborns, with many seeking medical advice and products from pharmacies to alleviate the symptoms of colic. However, Dr Bellaïche suggested that probiotics may be a better way to both ease and prevent colic.
In recent years, researchers such as those at BioGaia have seen a lower number of a certain type of bacteria in colicky infants than in those without the complaint. Probiotics can therefore replace the missing bacteria, regulating gut function and in turn helping ease colic symptoms.
Eden Tabuzo, Maternity Nurse, said: ‘To all the maternity nurses and healthcare professionals who are working with babies – start using BioGaia because it does really help a lot with gut problems.’
Following the talk, Dr Bellaïche invited the audience to ask any questions. From a media perspective, it was reassuring to hear the testimonials of all of the medical professionals present who have seen success with BioGaia and infant probiotics.
The Swedish probiotics company is already making a clear impact in the UK health industry, with many clinics and facilities already recommending BiogGaia to patients. This is good news for stockists. As a retailer, you may get asked about colic with your loyal customers. As BioGaia is a food supplement, you don’t need a special licence to sell it, but its good to know you can have a product that could help.
BioGaia’s Protectis Baby Drops are a probiotic food supplement specially designed for babies and infants. They contain the beneficial L. reuteri Protectis bacteria, which the company has spent years researching and developing. By giving babies just 5 drops per day, parents can provide the probiotics needed to maintain a healthy microbiome and regulate gut function.
RRP £14.99
Email address: Steven Hicks –
Facebook: BioGaiaUK
Instagram: Biogaia_uk
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